Be Intentional. Get Coached. Propel Forward.

After months of studying, learning and preparation, I am excited to share my passion for coaching. Many of my friends have confided in me for advice, asking what I would do if I were in their shoes, or simply just seeking a different perspective to their challenges or roadblocks. Once I was asked, I would not hesitate to contribute and brainstorm other views or avenues of approaching a certain problem. I think that what sparked my friends’ interest in asking me for guidance and hearing what I had to say was that they would receive a positive alternative to their challenges. Many of my friends would be so grateful for my insights and what I was left with was:

“you always know what to say”. It was the spark I needed to dive into coaching and uplift others with different approaches, strategies, and intake in life. Practicing meditation for over 365 consecutive days has become part of my life and daily routine. It only made sense to earn a certification in Mindfulness Life Coaching. As a devoted runner, I am a certified USATF Level 1 Coach and I am currently pursuing a VDOT Distance Running Coach certification. I am also looking forward to becoming a certified NASM Personal Fitness Trainer in the next couple of months.

Below is a list of coaching services I am happy to offer and assist you in reaching your goals with mindfulness and strategy in mind.

Accountability Coaching

Who could not use extra help to cheer us on when we need it the most?

I am here to help you to get that goal off of your wish list while implementing healthy habits step by step with mindfulness in mind. Learning to enjoy the process creates a flow for a healthy mindset towards any goals you wish to accomplish. Having a coach to track your progress and motivate you to the next step, is a powerful accountability tool.

Mindfulness Wellness Coaching

The purpose of Mindfulness Wellness Coaching with a sports-applied mindset and strategies is to facilitate focus on the task at hand that will lead to setting clear intentions to reach your envisioned goals. It is important to know and understand your WHY to create an experience that allows optimal physical and mental well-being in the process of developing healthy habits and actions. Otherwise, it feels like doing another “chore”. Our services may address specific personal projects, life balance, developing physical activity routine, healthy eating, or general situations you wish to improve in your life. Mindfulness Wellness Coaching utilizes personal strategic planning, values clarification, brainstorming, motivational coaching, accountability, and other coaching and techniques.

Run Coaching

I’m excited to take my passion for running and over 10 years of continuous learning about this sport by sharing these experiences through coaching! My goal is to provide each athlete with a unique training plan focusing on strength and adaptability while applying specific strategies with a holistic approach. The first step to incorporate intentional running into your lifestyle is to know and understand your WHY. The second step to improve your chances of sticking to fitness or a running routine to reach that finish line is to hire a run coach.

The athlete must know their WHY. The athlete and the coach must understand the value of communication for progress to take place. It is also important that the run coach can empathize and relate to the athlete’s running journey, seasonal fitness, and life challenges. It takes time and a lot of hard work to conquer the distance and the finishing aimed time. A training plan is not a one-size-fits-all, and a mindful run coach will work and design a training plan valuing periodization (12 weeks of foundation building) specifically for the athlete’s current fitness, goals, and needs to best succeed while implementing a holistic approach. Let’s push the limits a mile at a time. Run with Intention.

I know this is only the beginning of a prosperous and gratifying journey as a Run & Mindfulness Life Coach. I look forward to providing a variety of services in the areas of Health & Nutrition and Neuro-Linguistic practitioners.

Live with intention,

Certified Mindfulness Life Coach
Certified USATF Level 1 Coach
VDOT Distance Running Coach & NASM Personal Fitness Trainer coming soon!